Create an OS X Vertical Menu In Photoshop

In this tutorial I will share the steps - steps to create vertical menu with OSX style. Display menu will be created as shown below.

Step 1
Create a new document with the height 600px width 600px. Change the background color with the color gray # 3a3a3a and choose filte -> Noise -> Add Noise set Amount = 2.1%, Distribution = Uniform, Monochromatic. Create a vertical line with the position Guide menu 50px and 250px.
Step 2
Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool set the Radius to 14px Set Background Color to change the color of gray # 535353. Create an object box as shown below.
Step 3
Add layer styles: Drop Shadow, Gradient Overlay, Stroke and change the layer's Opacity 63%. For more details see in the image below.
Step 4
The next step is create the field again with the Rounded Rectangle Tool set in silver #ababab then add layer styles: Gradient Overlay, see in the image below.
Step 5
Create two lines on the height 1px line color gray # 535353 under the white line. Change the opacity to 38% top line and bottom line of 30%.
Step 6
Duplicate the last two lines as much as five times and set the position like in the picture below.
Step 7
The next step is create a Bullet menu. Use the Ellipse Tool create a small circle purple color # a52485 and Add a layer style: Bevel and Emboss, Gradient Overlay. Set as shown below.
Step 8
Create a small circle of white color in the bullet and add a gaussian blur effect 1.1px radius value.
Step 9
Well then Duplicate bullet had as many as 5 times and postion like in the picture.
Step 10
The last step to add text menu. Set font as shown below.
The final result, well done !

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