Create a Photo Manipulation of Adventure Suv Photoshop Tutorial
Today we will have fun making photo manipulation of Suv's adventure in Photoshop. Using easy photo manipulation, masking techniques, adjustment layers, custom brushes, quick selection tools and filter effects. I hope you like it and thanks for watching!
Tutorial Resources:
Prague Rocks - empty-paper-stock
Suv Car
Environment Brushes

Video Guide
00:19 : Set up a new document size 1600 x 2000 pixels, 300 dpi
00:26 : Adding a Gradient Fill adjustment layer
00:35 : Enter the color code #eae3d9
00:44 : Enter the color code #b5a294
01:07 : Hold Shift + Click layer. Create a new group (Ctrl + G)
01:24 : Create a selection using the Quick Selection Tool
01:32 : Hold down Alt. Subtract from selection
01:39 : Now press Add a mask to delete
01:44 : Go to Select > Select and Mask (Alt + Ctrl + R)
02:00 : Drag and drop layers to move to the main page
02:15 : Right-click on the layer mask thumbnail and select Apply Layer Mask
02:19 : Duplicate layers three times (Ctrl + J) and rename the layer
02:36 : Select the Rock2 layer and press (Ctrl + T) to resize
02:48 : Right + Click open Free Transform menu
02:57 : Select the Rock3 layer and press (Ctrl + T) to resize
03:15 : Add a Mask and use brush tool to remove
04:20 : Click Indicates Layer Visibility to hide the Background
04:24 : Press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + E
04:31 : Go to Filter > Camera Raw Filter
05:03 : Adding a Vibrance adjustment layer
05:14 : Adding a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer
05:29 : Press Ctrl + I to invert a layer mask
05:35 : Set Foreground Color to white and use Brushes Tool (B)
06:02 : Adding a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer
06:47 : Adding a Color Balance adjustment layer
07:28 : Create a new layer using the brush tool to create a shadow
07:50 : Add a mask
08:08 : Create a new layer
09:02 : Right click on the layer and select Create Clipping Mask
09:18 : Add a mask
10:12 : Adding a Hue/Saturations adjustment layer
10:23 : Adding a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer
10:43 : Hold down (Alt) to pick a color
10:53 : Change the blending mode to Screen
11:12 : Create a New layer and Clipping mask
11:20 : Change the blending mode to Screen
11:51 : Use Polygonal Lasso Tool
12:03 : Resize layer (Ctrl + T)
12:17 : Adding a Vibrance adjustment layer
12:30 : Hold down (Alt) then Click create a new layer
12:38 : Use Dodge Tool to lighting
12:55 : Create a New layer and Clipping mask
13:03 : Change the blending mode to Screen
13:21 : Adding a Curves adjustment layer
13:38 : Adding a Color Balance adjustment layer
14:31 : Duplicate layer (Car) Ctrl + J
14:37 : Change the blending mode to Multiply. Select Car copy layer and add a Mask
14:53 : Use brush tool to remove
15:24 : Create a new layer below the Car layer. Create a shadow with a brush tool
16:02 : Ctrl + Click layer thumbnail (Rock) to make selection
16:02 : Ctrl + Shift + i to reverse
16:24 : Adding a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer
16:38 : Hold down Alt and then create a new layer in the Layers Adjustment
16:46 : Use a Burn, Dodge tool to make shadow and lighting
17:10 : Adding a Color Balance adjustment layer
17:36 : Adding a Curves adjustment layer
17:51 : Create a new layer and clipping mask
17:54 : Change the blending mode to Screen
18:14 : Press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + E and change the blending mode to Linier Light
18:20 : Go to Filter > Other > High Pass
your the great