Make a Photo Manipulation With Texture Effect In Photoshop
Today we'll have fun to make a photo manipulation with texture effects in Photoshop. You will learn how to apply a layer mask, combine the stock image, color blending, adjustment layers and filter effects. Enjoy!
Tutorial Resources:
Kayla Gun by PhelanDavion
Factory Plant Panorama - EveLivesey
Ground - LakeSpirit3
Fuzzy ur - DivsM-stock
Helicopter - RandomFtw
Paper Texture
Wg Soaked Stains

Video Guide
00:22 : Create a new document. Here using 1600px * 2263px
00:29 : Go to File > Place Embedded. To open an image
into a worksheet
00:34 : Resize it to fit the canvas
00:50 : Adding a Vibrance adjustment layer
01:05 : Adding a Curves adjustment layer
01:20 : Adding a Gradient Map adjustment layer
01:46 : Change the blending mode to Multiply
01:55 : Adding a Exposure adjustment layer
02:17 : Adding a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer
02:33 : Go to File > Place Embedded
02:56 : Add a Mask
03:00 : Use Gradient Tool or Brush to remove
03:20 : Go to File > Place Embedded
03:39 : Change the blending mode to Multiply
05:28 : Adding a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer
05:50 : Adding a Selective Color adjustment layer
06:28 : Adding a Color Balance adjustment layer
06:40 : Adding a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer
06:56 : Adding a Color Balance adjustment layer
07:17 : Hold down Shift to select the layer and click Create
a new group
07:28 : Create a new layer and clipping mask
07:35 : Use Brush Tool to make fog
08:24 : Adding a Gradient Fill adjustment layer
08:58 : Change the blending mode to Soft Light
09:07 : Previously I've cut the model with the Pen Tool.
Drag and drop layers to move to the main page
09:28 : Right-click on the layer mask thumbnail > Apply
Layer Mask
09:33 : Go to Filter > Camera Raw
09:51 : Create a new layer and use brush tool to make shadow
11:02 : Adding a Level adjustment layer
11:31 : Press Ctrl + I to invert a layer mask
11:35 : Change Foreground color to white and use Brush tool
to edit mask
11:57 : Select Model layer. Adding a Brightness/Contrast
adjustment layer
12:14 : Press Ctrl + I to invert a layer mask
12:56 : Adding a Color Balance adjustment layer
13:07 : Adding a Curves adjustment layer
13:26 : Go to File > Open
13:29 : Go to Select > Color Range
13:53 : Add a mask and Press Ctrl + I to invert a layer mask
14:01 : Go to Select > Select and Mask
14:23 : Drag and drop layers to move to the main page
14:36 : Adding a Levels adjustment layer
15:00 : Press Ctrl + I to invert a layer mask
15:21 : Adding a Levels adjustment layer
15:50 : Adding a Color Balance adjustment layer
16:42 : Go File > Place Embedded
17:02 : Change the blending mode to Multiply
17:15 : Add a Mask
17:33 : Adding a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer
17:51 : Adding a Gradient Fill adjustment layer
18:20 : Change the blending mode to Soft Light
18:32 : Press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + E
18:36 : Go to Filter > Nik Collection > Color Efex Pro
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