Photoshop Tutorial : Blue Halftone Skin Effect Photo Manipulation

Halftone is an effect that appears when dots quality prints appear less well and looks as color patterns - colorful. In this tutorial I will show you the techniques of photo manipulation facial skin with blue halftone effects. Let's get started!
Picture used in this tutorial
Step 1
Open the image of Angelina Jolie select the Images menu -> Level.
Step 2
Duplicate the background layer, right-click menu select Duplicate Layer.
Duplicate the background layer, right-click menu select Duplicate Layer.

Step 3
Create a new layer use the Pen Tool to create selection on the skin of the face to the neck.
Create a new layer use the Pen Tool to create selection on the skin of the face to the neck.
Step 4
Click Paths -> Load path as a selection; go to the menu Select -> Modify -> Feather Selection.
Click Paths -> Load path as a selection; go to the menu Select -> Modify -> Feather Selection.
Step 5
Fill the selection with black parts you can use the Paint Bucket Tool.
Fill the selection with black parts you can use the Paint Bucket Tool.

Step 6
Set foreground color Set Color #002aff and Background Color #02c9fb.
Set foreground color Set Color #002aff and Background Color #02c9fb.

Step 7
Go to Filter -> Render -> Cloud and Image Level.
Go to Filter -> Render -> Cloud and Image Level.
Step 8
Go to Filter -> Sketch -> Halftone Pattern.
Go to Filter -> Sketch -> Halftone Pattern.
Step 9
Change the Blend Mode to Overlay
Change the Blend Mode to Overlay

Step 10
Activate Background Copy layer click the Create new fill or adjustment layer -> Hue Saturation.
Activate Background Copy layer click the Create new fill or adjustment layer -> Hue Saturation.
Step 11
Use the Eraser Tool to remove the eyes, eyebrows, and lips.
Use the Eraser Tool to remove the eyes, eyebrows, and lips.

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