Create Green Glossy Star Badge

Step 1
Create a new document with the height 500px width 500px and color # f8f8f8 background. Change color sets the foreground color to # 1e9318 green. Use the polygon tool and settings as in the picture below
Step 2
Next step right click on the shape1 layer and select blending options.
Step 3
Shape1 layer selection by pressing the Ctrl key and click on layer shape1. Select the menu Select - Modify - Contract Selection
Step 4
Create a new layer Ctrl + N to give a white color on the selected layer
Step 5
Still in selected circumstances activate the menu rectangular marquee tool and press the right arrow key down and press the delete button 1x
Step 6
Change the blend mode of the layer to Soft Light. Shape1 selection with Ctrl + Click the layer way shape1. Use the elliptical marquee tool to create a circle on shape1
Step 7
Create a new layer using the gradient tool to create gradations color and white
Step 8
Change the blend mode of the layer to Overlay and the Opacity to 40%
Step 9
Create a circle with the Ellipse Tool and set Fill 0%
Use the Horizontal Type Tool to create writing. In order to participate you type in a circle around the circle line.
Type Font: Arial
Font Size: 20pt
Color: White
Step 11
Next text "20%" and "Discount"
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