
Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button

This tutorial is very easy and simple how to create a glossy button. And you can create yourself about the color that you will use. Oke..Let's get started !.

Step 1
Create a new document Ctrl + N set the height 500px width 500px. Use Rounded Rectangel tool and set the height 110px width 35px.

Create Simple Glossy Button

Step 2
Add layers style on Shape1 : Gradient Overlay, Bevel and Emboss, Stroke, and Drop Shadow

Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button

Step 3
Now we will do the selection Shape1 Ctrl + alt click Shape1

Create Simple Glossy Button

Step 4
Use the Rectangular Marque Tool to Intersect with selection

Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button

Step 5
Create a new layer select menu Layer - New - Layer or Shift + Ctrl + N

Step 6
Give color gradation with the Gradient Tool, before you change the color Set Foreground Color white and black Set Background Color. Select the Foreground to Transparent

Create Simple Glossy Button

Step 7
Click and drag from top to bottom

Step 8
And this is the final result. Now you can add text on it

Create Simple Glossy Button

Create Simple Glossy Button


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